Installing asmj

There is not much more to installing asmj than just downloading it.

There are N+1 tar files: one containing all of the source code, and one "binary" for each of the N supported processors. Click on "files", then "asmj", then "0.8". You should see a list of "tar.gz" files there.

The file named asmj-0.8-src.tar.gz contains all of the source code for the whole thing, including modules for all supported processors.

There are also a bunch of files with names like asmj-0.8-XXXX.tar.gz. These are the "binary" files; each is a compiled runnable assembler for one of the various processors, and the XXXX tells you which processor it is. Each one contains a "jar" file that Java will run, and a "doc" directory of documentation.

So, download one of those "binary" tar files, extract the jar file from it, and set your CLASSPATH to that. For example:

  1. Download asmj-0.8-6809.tar.gz via the web.

  2. Extract the Java "jar" file from that:
    zcat asmj-0.8-6809.tar.gz |tar xvf - asmj-6809.jar

  3. Set your CLASSPATH so Java can find the asmj classes:
    export CLASSPATH=$(pwd)/asmj-6809.jar

  4. Dork around with it:
    java Gui

    Or maybe do real work with it:
    java Asmj myprogram.asm

If you want to compile it yourself, you will want to download the source file. It contains N+1 directories: the top level directory holds the processor-independent files, and there is one subdirectory for each supported processor. When you compile it, class files will end up in each of those directories. Your classpath will need to include both the top-level directory AND one of the processor-specific subdirectories, or else you can copy all of those classe files together into a single directory as I did for the "binary" files above.

Last revised: 28-Dec-2010